Aatreyi Dutta

Leadership crisis in Congress, 23 leaders demand for Non Gandhi President – What’s Next ?

Full time, visible leadership demanded by 23 Congress leaders distressing Sonia Gandhi into resignation : 23 leaders wrote a letter to Sonia Gandhi demanding transparency...

What Steps are being taken by Modi Government to Boost the Indian Economy ?

The oppositions; Congress, UPA etc. has always been sceptical about the economic policies that Modi administration made which slowed down the country's economy. Indian economy...

Why is Comparing Chinese Donations to Rajiv Gandhi Foundation and PM Cares Fund Stupid ?

A trail of accusations has been made between the ruling party BJP and its opposition, Congress after the Indo China border skirmishes. It further...

Why is Pakistan Silent on the treatment of Uyghur Muslims in China ?

The Muslim world had racist impressions where East Asian looking Muslims are considered at the bottom. Favouring Uyghurs won’t give any sort of political...

India-China Tension reaches UN: China Blames India for Terror Attack in Karachi, India Raises Hong Kong issue

Transmuting India China relations in the World Market : Amidst the border conflict between People’s Republic of China and India, the political tension between the...

What is the Significance of India’s Ban on 59 Chinese Apps ?

Amid tensions between India and China on the border, several applications have been banned by the Government of India. E-commerce, gaming, social media, browsers,...

Terror Attack on Pakistan Stock Exchange – Balochistan Liberation Army takes Responsibility

Pakistan's Financial Hub under grenades and guns attack : On Monday morning, 29th June, Pakistan's high- secured Karachi Stock Exchange building came down under grenade...

BJP Attacks Congress on the Chinese Funding to Rajiv Gandhi Foundation

Right after the Galwan valley cliff with China in eastern Ladakh, Congress has been lobbying by making comments suggesting Modi surrendering to the Chinese...

How far is Rahul Gandhi’s idea of Politicising India-China Clash Fair ?

Indian and Chinese armies have been on a deadlock since the past six weeks in several areas of eastern Ladakh. The bonds between the...

Myth buster – Indian Prime Ministers and Press Conferences

PM Modi and his Tryst with the Press : The Number of press conferences addressed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi so far is zero. To...

Congress Failed to Secure lone RS seat in Manipur despite Defecting BJP MLA’s

The state of Manipur elects 1 member for the term of 6 years and indirectly elected by the state legislators, since the year 1972...

Brutal Lynching of Rituparna Pegu didn’t fit Mainstream Media’s TRP Game

5 Men Murders RITUPARNA PEGU in Broad Daylight: Rituparna Pegu, a 26-year-old resident of Commerce area of Guwahati was brutally stabbed to death on June...

Ajay Pandita’s Murder triggers Fear Among Kashmiri Hindus

Why Hindu minorities feel threatened in Kashmir after Ajay Pandit’s death? Kashmiri Pandit Sarpanch , Ajay Pandita was gunned down and murdered on 6th...

Here is why comparing NewZealand’s Strategy to Fight Corona with India is FOOLISH


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