“We Pray Lord Krishna playing Flute and carrying Sudarshan Chakra as well”, PM Modi sends strong Message to China

Editorial"We Pray Lord Krishna playing Flute and carrying Sudarshan Chakra as well", PM Modi sends strong Message to China

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed soldiers in Ladakh today as he made a surprise visit to a forward post in Leh and interacted with troops days after the June 15 border clash with China in which 20 soldiers were killed in the line of duty. The Prime Minister’s visit served as a morale booster for the forces and a powerful message to China, which has shown unrelenting aggression at the border with incursions spotted in satellite images. Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat and Army Chief MM Naravane accompanied the PM as he toured the region, met with soldiers and was briefed on the face-off with China since early May. PM Modi described the soldiers as “the braves of the soil” and said the “enemy has seen your fire and fury”. Indicating at China’s Expantionist Ideology PM said “Age of expantionism is over, this is the age of development. History is witness that expantionist forces have either lost or were forced to turn back.”

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Age of Expantionism is over

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“The bravery that you and your compatriots showed, a message has gone to the world about India’s strength,” said PM Modi while addressing the soldiers here. “The determination of Aatma Nirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India) gets strengthened from your sacrifice and courage” the Prime Minister said. He also said thatThose who are weak can never initiate peace, bravery is a pre-requisite for peace.”

weak can never initiate peace - PM Modi

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The soldiers were observed maintaining social distancing while PM Modi’s address here. PM appreciated the soldiers by saying that your dedication for the country and ‘Bharat Mata’ is invaluable. In this difficult situation also you all stand like a pillar for MAA BHARTI which in not comparable with any person in the world.

PM Modi said that “Your courage is higher than the height where you are posted. Your determination is even stricter than the valley you measure daily with your steps. Your arms are as strong as the rocks that surround you. Your will power is unwavering like the surrounding mountains. When the defence of the country is in your hands, in your strong intentions, it is not only me but the entire nation who has an unwavering faith and the country is relaxed too. Now you and your comrades have shown bravery, they have given this message in the whole world what is India’s strength”.

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“We are the people who pray to the flute playing lord Krishna but we are also the same who idolise and follow the same lord Krishna who carries sudarshana chakara” said PM in Ladakh.

The conditions in which you all deliver your best are among the toughest in the world, and you have proven time and again that the Indian armed force is mightier and better than everyone else in the world. What you have done here, the message you have sent, is a message that has reached the world. It has been a bold statement. I want to salute you all and all the soldiers who laid down their lives for the motherland. Every corner, every stone, every river and every pebble here in Ladakh knows it is an integral part of India, he added.

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Paying tribute to the soldiers who were martyred in the skirmish in Galwan, PM Modi said, “I again pay tribute to the soldiers who were martyred in the Galwan Valley today. their might, from their battle cry, the earth is still cheering them. Today, every countryman’s head bows respectfully in front of you people. Today, every Indian’s chest is puffed up by your bravery and valour.”

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