Statue Politics: Have we reached the zenith of intolerance?

EditorialStatue Politics: Have we reached the zenith of intolerance?
After the defeat of Manik Sarkar, in an election that is probably the most important one since 1988, Biplab Kumar Deb of the BJP party reigned victorious over the once exceedingly leftist state. But with statue politics, have we reached the zenith of intolerance?
Statue Politics: Is it a sign of growing intolerance with the rise of BJP?

The outcome of the elections was not only the advent of a new ideology but also the destruction of the old ones. BJP supporters responded by destroying Lenin’s statue as well as workers in TamilNadu destroyed Periyar’s statue. In Uttar Pradesh, they damaged a statue of Ambedkar.

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As a consequence, students of Jadavpur University in Calcutta, West Bengal defaced the statue of Jana Sangh founder Syama Prasad Mookerjee on Wednesday, 14 March 2018. The obvious fight here is clearly between the left and the right of the political spectrum, however, the question that needs to be asked here is have we as a country reached the zenith of intolerance?

In the recent years, Human Rights groups have expressed concern over the increasing nature of violence based on issues sensitive to religious beliefs. The #statuepolitics has surfaced on social media as a result of the ongoing conflict in the country. The Ministry of Home Affairs has expressed serious concern over the vandalism and has stated that action must soon be taken against the perpetrators.

However, post-poll violence continues which is further strengthening the image of the BJP party as an extremist organization. This can restrict the party’s expansion in the south and alienate its allies.

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The regressive attitude of the country where extremism has become the accepted norm is it possible for Biplab Kumar Deb to control the growing aggression in his hometown or has this given rise to the many other extremities, only time will tell. However, due to the Tripura elections, national politics is in question here. Is there a chance of a rise of one dominant right-wing political party in India? Is communism dead?

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Even though the Kerala faction of the CPM led by Prakash Karat remains committed to the hard-line, the rise of BJP having won 35 out of 59 assembly seats in Tripura makes us question whether communism is slowly on its way out of the country.

This impressive win is expected to boost the chances of BJP in the elections next year. There is no denying that there has been a rise of Hindu nationalism in the country. Modi’s BJP is currently governing 19 of India’s 29 states, compared to the Congress party’s five.

Remember, the BJP is guided by Narendra Modi, the smartest politician India has seen in recent years. Also, with the vacuum of the alternative of the BJP, this strengthens the party’s position in the upcoming elections.

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