Meet Bharat Singh A 22 Year Old Entrepreneur That Has The Best Strategies That Could Skyrocket The Fitness And Political Industry.

EditorialMeet Bharat Singh A 22 Year Old Entrepreneur That Has The Best Strategies That Could Skyrocket The Fitness And Political Industry.
As fitness industry is largely affected by COVID-19, Bharat thinks that social media can help one to earn during this tough time. Many businesses have been experiencing a shortage in traffic due to circumstances surrounding COVID-19. Rather than sitting idle during this time, one can use it to their advantage by maximizing their digital presence. A scaled-up marketing strategy will ensure that the business bounces back from COVID-19 and stands out amongst competitors.
Who is Bharat Singh? 
Bharat Singh is a twenty two year old entrepreneur who has made a name for himself in the fitness industry through his social media expertise. Despite being just 22 years old , this entrepreneur is pushing the boundaries in a unique way.
At the age of sixteen, when teenagers are busy in their studies and enjoying the exuberance of their youth, Bharat had started social media management side by side with his studies from City Lucknow (U.P) India. Soon he became well known in the fitness industry. At the age of sixteen, Bharat’s name already had been associated with many famous and popular bodybuilders, fitness models and political personalities around the world.
Bharat started his career as a social media manager by creating fan pages related to fitness and bodybuilding and that made him popular worldwide in the fitness industry and soon he got associated with many athletes and celebrities. He has been appreciated for his unique promotional ideas and strategies.
He realised the power of social media and digital marketing is the fast growing industry from where he wanted to build connections and a resourceful network to give way to his dream. It seems easy but it’s not because apart from time management, he faces other problems as he is very young, people doubt his reliability and work but his dedication and passion proves them wrong.
“My whole family supported me especially my dad and mom. They allowed me to do whatever I wanted and never forced me to only focus on studies. I am blessed to have a supportive and caring family”, he quoted. Well, it is not easy to manage studies as well as work, but Bharat has kept a perfect balance between the two. His journey to become a social media influencer began at a very early age. Today Bharat Singh is an inspiration for many youngsters and the people he gets inspired from are Sylvester Stallone, Warren Buffet and Sourav Ganguly. “All three inspire me in different ways. Warren Buffet has inspired me for savings and for investments. Sourav Ganguly inspired me with his leadership and Sylvester Stallone made me realize that anything is possible, he said.
According to Bharat if you wanna increase your presence on social media you just need to follow these : 
Focus on Original and Quality Content
Be Yourself 
Be Patient
Work Consistently 
Don’t focus on number of followers 
Engage with your Followers
Personal Touch
Paid Promotions
Don’t Copy Others
Moreover, the 22 year old entrepreneur revealed that believing in yourself is the only mantra towards success. He urges everyone to chase their dreams and follow their passion rather than competing with others. With achieving so much at a very young age, Bharat Singh has a long way to go in his career.

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