Gujarat Elections 2017: Will AAP be able to win a single seat in Gujarat ?

EditorialGujarat Elections 2017: Will AAP be able to win a single seat in Gujarat ?

Gujarat elections 2017 just a month ahead is all set to give an election thriller and this thriller is interesting and plot twisting. All the parties are chalking out strategies and plan to win this polls as Gujarat elections 2017 are taken as one of the building blocks for 2019 Lok Sabha battle.

For Modi, Gujarat Elections 2017 polls are the first elections in his home turf after being made Prime minister so he surely wants to win this battle for prestige while for Congress winning this election will help them come out as a strong contender for 2019 Lok Sabha elections.

Gujarat Elections 2017
Credits – Bhargav Khisariya

Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti (PAAS) is against BJP and as Patidars represent 12.3% of Gujarat populations Congress wants PAAS to support them but this will not be easy for Congress as PAAS wants reservation quota for Patels in Gujarat and if Congress agrees to this they will support Congress.

On the other hand, BJP not leaving any stone unturned has come out with a plan to win Muslim’s votes which traditionally supports congress. BJP is going to ship 250 Muslim workers from Maharashtra to Gujarat for BJP’s campaigns.

Prime minister Narender Modi‘s “Sabka sath sabka vikas” is the biggest plank on which the party is fighting elections.

Gujarat Elections 2017

In September this year, Prime Minister inaugurated Sardar Sarovar Dam on the Narmada river.In October he laid the foundation stone in multiple projects like Healthcare and medical facilities, irrigation projects and a Rs550 crore chemical unit at Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers and Chemicals’ (GNFC) Bharuch facility.

To shift the focus of people from the development air congress’s Vice-president Rahul Gandhi is constantly criticizing Demonetization and GST.  He is even planning to launch “desh bhugat raha hai” campaign on notebandi’s anniversary on November 8. Former  Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said GST has killed jobs and businesses. Rahul Gandhi’s witty tweets against BJP has helped him in gaining 1 million Twitter followers in just 2 months.

It seems like there are only 2 parties that are contesting elections but  Aam Admi Party(AAP) is also contesting Gujarat elections 2017. AAP recently announced its first list of candidates for eleven assembly constituencies including Rajkot (West), is represented by Chief Minister Vijay Rupani. It is not clear for how many seats AAP is contesting elections but it is not contesting for all 182 seats. It has refused to join hands with any other party. So far AAP has not proved to be a threat for big parties like Congress and BJP maybe because it is not able to set foot on Gujarat arena strongly as time and again its party members are switching parties. Several AAP leaders shifted to Congress as they claim that the party is supporting ruling party BJP and it will eat up Congress votes.

But how is the party that clean swept Congress and BJP in 2015 Delhi elections by winning 67 out of 70 seats not able to put up a fight against BJP or Congress?

Gujarat Elections 2017
Credits- Kejriwal Exclusive

One of the reasons Aam Admi party could influence Delhi was because of being massively active on twitter and other social networking sites. In one month alone, over a million tweets were tagged with @ArvindKejriwal on it.  #DelhiVotes and  #ExitPolls and  #MufflermanReturns were the popular handles. But the same twitter abuzz by AAP tweets is not seen today in Gujarat elections 2017. And now it seems like that job is done by Rahul Gandhi for Congress. They did door-to-door campaign and  street corner meetings which had much more visibility than the high profile rallies of its rivals

This year AAP won Bawana bypolls in Delhi without taking a dig on any other party or party leaders instead they talked about his own government’s work to convince the electorate.

But when super confident Aam Admi party went outside Delhi to contest elections in Punjab and Goa it well apart. In Punjab, Aam Admi party had good chances of winning as Punjab wanted to get rid of Badals.Kejriwal addressed 100 rallies in Punjab and started believing that they could win. But by performing immaturely it lost to Congress.He took support from Sikh NRIs and not believing in local leaders he faced allegations of connections with Khalistan. While congress’s face was Amrinder Singh and BJP-SAD  had Prakash Singh Badal. Aam Admi party did not introduce any CM which kept people in doubt that whether Kejriwal would be the Punjab CM or not.But still, it stood second in Punjab Elections after the Congress.

But Goa elections turned out to be a nightmare for AAP as it failed to win even a single seat. This time AAP presented bureaucrat Elvis Gomes as its Chief Ministerial candidate but he too lost to Congress leader. They promised to provide five women police stations in every district, women lifeguards, changing rooms and toilets for women on the beach. Another major promise made by AAP consists of providing 50,000 jobs in five years through entrepreneurship development and by supporting existing and new industries.

But Goa could not believe an Outsider and they had to give their votes to Congress as BJPs Laxmikanth Parsekar proved to be ineffective and inefficient.

And now Aam Admi party is debuting in Gujarat. Seeing the past AAP has to first clear the name tag of an outsider. AAP is not active on Twitter, Kejriwal not bad mouthing any political leader. AAP is struggling to build up a party of leaders in Gujarat.

It has to come up with new strategies by analyzing earlier performances and come confidently to boost people’s perception to think that AAP is actually an alternative option.

AAP is a new party and it will take time to set its foot in other states but no one can deny that  AAP has the potential of making opposition taste the defeat.

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