7 Awards won by Indian PM Which Made Every Indian Proud

Editorial7 Awards won by Indian PM Which Made Every Indian Proud

7 Awards won by Indian PM Which Made Every Indian Proud

Apart from holding the 9th rank in Forbes World’s Most Powerful People list 2018 and being featured in TIME’s 100 Most Influential People of 2017, here is a list of awards that have been conferred on the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi which have instilled in every Indian a sense of pride and a sense of respect for the government of the country.

Seoul Peace Prize 2018

The Seoul Peace Prize, which was established in 1990, was awarded to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on account of having contributed substantially in the development of not only the Indian economy but also for having created a positive ripple effect for economies of other nations as well. This was awarded to him on the 24th of October 2018. It even credited him for his efforts in the attempt to close in on the economic disparity of the people of India where the gap between the haves and the have-nots is incredibly huge.


Champions of the Earth AwardImage result for champions of the earth award

On 26th September 2018, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was honored with the UN Champions of the Earth Award, which is the highest honor bestowed by the UN in the environmental category. This award was founded in 2005 and Modi received it from the UN General Secretary himself on the 3rd of October 2018. This was given to him in light of his efforts in promoting the use of solar power at the international level and for being the first person in power to take a pledge to eradicate all types of single use plastic in India by the year 2022. This award was an honor to all his efforts made for the protection and sustainable development of the environment. Past recipients of this award include Vice President of the United States of America, Al Gore, and developer of Google Earth Brian McClendon among many other honorable recipients.

Grand Collar of the State of PalestineImage result for grand collar of palestine modi

The Grand Collar of the State of Palestine is the highest honor, which is awarded to a foreign dignitary such as the member of a Royal Family, Head of a Nation or State or a Government Personnel with a high ranking. President Mahmood Abbas gave it to him after the successful bilateral meeting, which was held between the Indian and the Palestinian leaders. Modi is the first Prime Minister to have made an official visit to Palestine. This was given to him in appreciation of his leadership qualities, his attempt to uphold the historic relations shared between India and Palestine and in appreciation of his display of solidarity towards the people of Palestine and his support for their freedom and peace.

Amir Amanullah Khan AwardImage result for amir amanullah khan award to modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also been a recipient of the Amir Amanullah Khan Award that is the Highest Civilian Honor that is given by the Afghan Government. President Ashraf Ghani bestowed it upon on him on The 4th of June 2016  to commemorate the establishment of a strong Afghan-Indian Bond which would be marked by the building of the Afghan-India Friendship Dam. This award has been bestowed on other eminent personalities such as the former President of United States of America, George Bush, as well.

King Abdulaziz Sash AwardImage result for king abdulaziz sash award modi

The King Abdulaziz Sash Award was awarded to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the 3rd of April 2016. This honor is the highest civilian honor, which is bestowed by the State of Saudi Arabia. Other eminent personalities, which have been the recipient of this award, include former British Prime Minister David Cameron and former President of the United States of America Barack Obama among many other respected dignitaries.

Indian of the Year

Prime Minister Narendra Modi was also awarded the title of Indian of the Year by CNN-IBN in the year of 2014.  This award is ‘An Honor That Embodies Greatness’ and is awarded to personalities that have done pioneering work in the sectors of Politics, Sports, Business, Entertainment, Public Service and Global Indian. The past recipients of this award have emerged from all spheres of life and are people such as Vishwananthan Anand, E. Sreedharan, Nitish Kumar and Modi’s predecessor and the former Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh as well amomng many other awardees.

Philip Kotler Presidential Award   

Lastly, Prime Minister Modi has been the first ever recipient of the Philip Kotler Presidential Award in January 2019. This award has sparked a lot of political debate regarding its authenticity and the absence of a jury that is to decide the recipient of this award. However, in the words of Philip Kotler himself, Modi has been selected as a recipient for ‘his outstanding leadership and selfless service towards India, combined with his tireless energy’. Though this award has been under a lot of fire due to the anonymity of its backing and the absence of a proper procedure and jury for the selection of a recipient, the grounds on which the award has been given cannot be dismissed entirely. The very fact that he was made the first awardee of an honor that has the potential to be internationally renowned speaks volumes for itself.


These are a few instances which have made every Indian proud as they not only an honor bestowed on the Prime Minister of our country but also a verification of the growth and development of the Indian economy as it is formally acknowledged by the other nations of the world as well.


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