Indian Freedom History

India’s March Towards Sustainability: Insights from the Multidisciplinary National Conference

India, a rising global power, is at the forefront of addressing the pressing challenges outlined in the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. With its diverse socio-economic landscape,...

India’s March Towards Sustainability: Insights from the Multidisciplinary National Conference

India, a rising global power, is at the forefront of addressing the pressing challenges...

PM Modi: वाराणसी में लगे पीएम मोदी के 10 हाथों वाले पोस्टर, बताया युगपुरुष और शिवभक्त

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी वाराणसी के दौरे पर रहे. पीएम के वाराणसी दौरे से पहले...

जानिए पहली बार कब गाया था राष्ट्रगान ‘ जन गण मन’ , इस तरह बना था ये देश का राष्ट्रगान

'जन गण मन ' ये वो गान है जिसे हम भारतीय अपना मान -स्वाभिमान मानते हैं | इसी गान को सुन हर भारतीय का...

What is the Role of Gandhi in Indian Independence?

Post the Home Rule League, there emerged on the scene a leader who truly led the masses to fight and yet not a drop...

What is Lokmanya Tilak’s contribution in Indian Freedom Struggle?

As different as chalk and cheese, both Gokhale and Tilak used their own ways to approach the Britishers. While Gokhale was putting across his...

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